It’s a Sydney icon – a late-night piano bar turned karaoke bar that’s entertained several generations of patrons. From as far back as the 1980s it has a proud tradition of music, song and late-night carousing.

The Pickled Possum in Sydney’s Neutral Bay – named after the possums that used to hang over the door frames in the hope of being fed carrots and lettuce leaves by revellers – has come back to life and the owner just happens to be long time supporter of sleepbus. With The Pickled Possum about to be RE-launched, the owner wanted to use this opportunity to fundraise for one, maybe even two sleepbus for Sydney and help spread the word of sleepbus providing safe sleeps for those sleeping rough, until they can get back on their feet.

No one ever said having a good time couldn’t be worthwhile as well. Get behind The Pickled Possum and make a donation towards a sleepbus (or two) for a Sydney.


sleepbus® offers a safe place to sleep for rough sleepers while transitioning into long term accommodation, as well as links to local support services providing assistance with finances, employment, education, health care and legal advice.

If you’re thinking about what you might do to help those on the street, may I ask that you take a look at not just what we’re doing, but how we’re doing it; we’re having a crack and with your help we can end the need for people to sleep rough in Australia. Get onboard!


Each sleepbus® has up to 20 secure, climate controlled, individual sleep pods in twin cabins, each with a lockable door and toilet; everyone is looked after with overnight security and CCTV surveillance; we also have under bus storage for belongings, a cosy place for companion animals and even a twin cabin for our overnight volunteers. 

A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

